Niger is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which include water scarcity, altering rainfall patterns, temperature increase, floods, and recurring droughts. Climate change threatens key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, livestock, and forestry (together responsible for over 40% of national GDP and 80% of workforce employment), water resources and irrigation, and natural resources. The impacts of climate change also affect human health and wellbeing as well as ecosystems and wildlife in the country.
Furthermore, climate change has undoubtedly impacted the patterns of human mobility in Niger, particularly for rural populations. The impacts of climate change have significant effects on food and nutritional security through the decline in agrosilvopastoral and fishery production. In combination with underlying or heightened vulnerabilities on the household level, this leads to different forms of climate-related permanent or temporary (seasonal, circular) migration and displacement over short and long distances, within the country or across international borders.
The nexus of climate change and human mobility greatly affects the lives, livelihoods, and wellbeing of migrants, host communities, and those staying behind. To address its direct and indirect impacts and understand cross-cutting factors, such as gender, youth, informal employment, transboundary issues, and natural resource management, this project aims to contribute to a better understanding, collect data, and identify key challenges, opportunities, and entry points for evidence-based action and policies. It is implemented by Plateforme de la Société Civile Nigérienne sur les Changements Climatiques et le Développement Durable (PSCN/CC/DD), Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement (JVE-Niger), and SLYCAN Trust as the technical partner.