Climate & Health: Navigating physical and mental wellbeing in a changing climate

18th December 2024, 17:30 - 19:00

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Climate & Health: Navigating physical and mental wellbeing in a changing climate

18th December 2024, 17:30 - 19:00

Colombo, Sri Lanka

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Climate 2.0 is a series of informal conversations under the ClimaComms initiative by SLYCAN Trust. It aims to bring together a diverse group of individuals, from those deeply involved in climate action to those working in different fields. The goal is to ensure holistic discussions on pressing environmental topics, fostering a collaborative approach to tackling climate challenges. By bridging gaps between various sectors and perspectives, Climate 2.0 seeks to create a more inclusive and comprehensive dialogue on our future.

This iteration of the Climate 2.0 session focuses on the nexus between health and climate change. Participants explore preventive, adaptive, and supportive actions to protect health amidst a changing climate and are encouraged to adopt lifestyle adjustments that support both personal and planetary well-being.


  • Awareness creation on the nexus between health and climate change.
  • Exploration of physical health impacts, including respiratory issues, heat stress, and vector-borne diseases, caused by climate-driven events.
  • Exploration of psychological effects, such as eco-anxiety, climate grief, and trauma, linked to climate change.
  • Promotion of preventive, adaptive, and supportive measures to safeguard health amidst climate change.
  • Encouragement of lifestyle adjustments to enhance personal and planetary well-being.
  • Guidelines & Templates

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