Thematic Dialogue on Public-Private Partnerships for Optimizing Sustainable Financing in the Agriculture Sector

30th April 2024 | 09:00 - 13:30 IST

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Thematic Dialogue on Public-Private Partnerships for Optimizing Sustainable Financing in the Agriculture Sector

30th April 2024 | 09:00 - 13:30 IST

Colombo, Sri Lanka

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Agribusinesses,entrepreneurs, communities, and other stakeholders in Sri Lanka's agriculture sector are faced with a complex landscape of risks as well as a need to shift towards more sustainable, climate friendly, and resilient approaches.Partnerships between the public and private sector, for example through blended finance, knowledge-sharing, and joint development of facilities, mechanisms,and instruments, could make an important contribution to manage existing risks and achieve sustainable economic growth.

The dialogue co-hosted by SLYCAN Trust and Sustainable Development Council aims to engage key actors from the finance, insurance, and agrifood sectors to brainstorm priorities and potential modalities for blended finance instruments.Building on the existing ecosystem for risk management and finance, the dialogue will focus on identifying opportunities for enhancing access to resources, developing relevant mechanisms, identifying policy directions, and strengthening public-private cooperation towards green growth and long-term resilience-building.


  • Facilitate open discussions and exchanges to understand challenges and opportunities in Sri Lanka's agriculture sector among stakeholders from the finance, insurance, and agrifood sectors.
  • Identify and prioritise key areas where innovative financial instruments can be effectively deployed to address the financial needs of agribusinesses, entrepreneurs, and communities, with a focus on sustainability and climate resilience.
  • Explore and develop modalities for innovative financial instruments, including mechanisms for financing, risk-sharing, and knowledge-sharing, to ensure their effective implementation and impact in the agriculture sector.
  • Identify opportunities to enhance access to financial resources, technical assistance, and other support mechanisms for stakeholders in Sri Lanka's agriculture sector.
  • Strengthen collaboration and partnerships between the public and private sectors, as well as among various stakeholders, to promote green growth, long-term resilience-building, and sustainable economic development in Sri Lanka's agriculture sector.

Guidelines & Templates

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