NAP Expo has been organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) under the UNFCCC since 2013, with the support and contribution of many other organisations and stakeholders with the objective of  promoting exchange of experiences and fostering partnerships between a wide range of actors and stakeholders to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).

This year’s NAP Expo was hosted by the Government of Egypt, from 4th to 6th of April, and brought together over 200 participants all over the globe including Parties and Non-Party Stakeholders.

Objective of the NAP Expo

The objective of the NAP Expo is to advance the formulation and implementation of NAPs. This is through creating a forum where different countries, organizations and other relevant actors are offered the opportunity to interact and exchange experiences on NAPs.

The objectives include:

“(a) To update stakeholders on the latest guidance on the technical and financial aspects to advance the formulation and implementation of NAPs;

(b) To discuss country experiences, best practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs and information on support provided and received in relation to the process to formulate and implement NAPs;

(c) To offer a platform for countries to interact with the GCF and others providing support for NAPs, as a means to improve access to financing for NAPs.”

Key Topics Discussed

The key issues discussed at the NAP Expo 2018 are:

  • Assessing vulnerability and risk
  • Designing implementation strategies while taking into account vertical and horizontal integration, and different pathways over time
  • Financial support for the formulation and implementation of NAPs;
  • Systematic observations, monitoring and evaluation, and learning from experience from past climate shocks

SLYCAN Trust at the NAP Expo

SLYCAN Trust participated and contributed to this year’s NAP Expo 2018. Ms. Vositha Wijenayake, Executive Director of SLYCAN Trust participated at the event as a resource person, and contributed in facilitating two panels:

  • Learning from Climate Shocks (NAP Technical Workshop Group)
  • Multi-stakeholder Participation in NAPs  (The live video of the session could be accessed here)

The full schedule of the NAP Expo 2018 could be accessed here

NAP Expo 2019

The NAP Expo brought together a wide array of discussions, and experiences from across the world which will contribute to enhancing the NAP processes in many countries. It was a learning experience to all, and paved the way for new partnerships to be developed to advance the work related to NAPs across the world.

In moving forward, the NAP Expo 2019 was decided to be held in South Korea, with the support of Parties and Non-Party stakeholders.

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