National Workshop on Policy Gaps and Needs Analysis for the Implementation of NDC on Adaptation and Loss and Damage in Nepal

A national workshop on Policy Gaps and Needs Analysis for the Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions on Adaptation and Loss and Damage in Nepal was conducted on 12th July, 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The event was organised as part of the regional research led by SLYCAN Trust on identifying and addressing policy gaps and needs for the implementation of NDCs on adaptation and loss and damage in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. 

The event was organised by Prakriti Resources Centre (PRC) in collaboration with SLYCAN Trust and the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research, and focused on sharing the findings of the on-going research on the policy gaps and needs analysis for the implementation of adaptation and loss and damage related to the NDCs of Nepal.

Nepal’s NDCs

Nepal has submitted its NDCs to the UNFCCC in October 2016, and is trying to mainstream climate change into all sectors. The NDCs of Nepal contain fourteen targets mostly taken from existing sectoral policies, including the formulation of a National Adaptation Plan which is currently ongoing. Among others elements included are the implementation of a climate-friendly local governance framework, which is currently under revision. 

The NDCs of Nepal cover three sectors primarily related to adaptation and loss and damage (forestry, agriculture and climate-induced disasters) as well as three sectors primarily related to mitigation (renewable energy, transportation and solid waste management). The government of Nepal plans to submit its revised NDCs to the UNFCCC by end of 2020. 

Mr. Prabin Singh, programme manager of Prakriti Resources Centre, provided the status of NDCs of Nepal, and elaborated gaps and needs that require attention. 

“The baseline work for the preparation of the NAP of Nepal is completed, but the overall NAP is not yet finalised.  Also, the Environmentally Friendly Local Government Framework has been tested and proved effective but is currently being revised in the changed local government context,” he added. 

Among other points highlighted by him regarding the status of NDCs were the need for a clear financing plan for the implementation of NDCs, and recognising the role of private sector and development partners in the implementation of NDCs of Nepal. 

Contribution of Research to the National Process

Speaking on the panel, following the presentation of research findings, Mr. Manjeet Dhakal of Climate Analytics explained that the research will be a positive contribution to the ongoing NDC review of Nepal. He also stressed the need to focus on mitigation NDCs, as the adaptation ones are conditional. 

“Loss and damage is not a focus in the Paris Agreement. However, the 2019 decision paved the way for countries to report on their loss and damage related work and outcomes. The findings of the research related to loss and damage will help with the inclusion of loss and damage sector into the revised NDCs,” he added.

Mr. Sunil Acharya of Practical Action Nepal noted that mitigation is not the key priority for Nepal.  “Mitigation is not Nepal’s urgent priority. The adaptation focus should not be excluded from the NDCs,” he said.

Speaking on gaps and needs for the implementation of NDCs, he pointed to the lack of data and existing local-regional vulnerabilities as making action on NDCs and setting adaptation and loss and damage targets difficult.

Among other elements highlighted were the need for provision of an effective monitoring mechanism, the formulation of the NAP, and NDCs targets being met through the NAP.

Recommendations and Way Forward

The initial research findings for Nepal under the regional project recommend among others to:

  • Align the NDCs with the 15th periodic plan and the SDG implementation roadmap of Nepal. It is expected that this activity would help roll out the NDCs as an integral part of the country’s regular development process.
  • Develop an action plan with the necessary budget factored in for NDCs and align the NDCs with ministerial level sectoral plans of action. This recommendation is made with the aim of creating higher accountability and transparency in the climate finance related to NDC implementation
  • Foster active participation, and identify the role of the private sector and development partners in addressing climate change impacts, identifying and facilitating complementary roles of each stakeholder. This recommendation aims to create a multi-stakeholder driven NDC process in Nepal.

Ms. Vositha Wijenayake, Executive Director of SLYCAN Trust, highlighted that the research findings will feed into the regional research on the same thematic focus. She also shared the knowledge portal that has been created to share adaptation and loss and damage related material, as well as knowledge products on climate resilience building which is initiated as a component of the regional research project funded by APN.

“The Adaptation and Resilience Knowledge Hub is created with the aim of sharing lessons learnt, good practices, relevant research and other knowledge products to help implement effective climate action. The portal initiated through this regional collaborative research is a step towards bringing us close in taking adaptation actions, and addressing climate induced losses and damages,” she said.  She invited interested individuals and entities to share relevant material using the knowledge portal. 

The regional workshop for knowledge sharing and validation of research findings under the research project on policy gaps and needs analysis for the Implementation of NDCs on adaptation and loss and damage will be held on 17th and 18th of September, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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About the Author

SLYCAN Trust is a non-profit think tank. It has been a registered legal entity in the form of a trust since 2016, and a guarantee limited company since 2019. The entities focus on the thematic areas of climate change, adaptation and resilience, sustainable development, environmental conservation and restoration, social justice, and animal welfare. SLYCAN Trust’s activities include legal and policy research, education and awareness creation, capacity building and training, and implementation of ground level action. SLYCAN Trust aims to facilitate and contribute to multi-stakeholder driven, inclusive and participatory actions for a sustainable and resilient future for all.