Maldives, a low-lying Small Island Developing State, is among the countries that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. With 80% of its islands under one meter above the mean sea level, the country is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise, and is already experiencing the impacts of slow-onset processes such as coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion.The country faces a multitude of challenges in the context of climate change, including slow-onset impacts such as sea level rise, land loss, and coastal inundation, as well as deteriorating coral reefs. The decline in marine flora and fauna especially impacts the tourism and fisheries sectors, which are critical to the national economy. Vulnerable groups and communities, including women, children, and the elderly, are at an elevated risk due to critical infrastructure being within a hundred meters of the receding shorelines. The loss of terrestrial territory is a major concern, and the decline in the tourism sector due to the loss of natural attractions could result in major declines in GDP. Furthermore, cultural aspects of the Maldives are at risk as well, such as its unique language, cultural crafts, traditional foods, and local practices.