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climate action
Negotiating Climate Finance at COP29: The New Collective Quantified Goal and the Way Ahead
Climate-Related Human Mobility in Ghana: Stories of Migration
Evidence-based policy processes: The role of country case studies for highlighting climate-induced human mobility in the UNFCCC policy processes
Climate-Related Loss and Damage and Human Mobility in Ghana: From Evidence to Action
National Adaptation Plans at the Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024 (SB60)
Capacity-Building under the UNFCCC: Discussions and Key Outcomes of the Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024 (SB60)
The Importance of Youth Perspectives in Climate Change Negotiations: Insights and Anticipations
Advancing the Adaptation Agenda: Key Outcomes and Challenges Faced
Navigating the Complexities of Global Climate Change Negotiations: A Young Negotiator’s Experience at UNFCCC SB60
Navigating Climate Change Adaptation at SB60: Through the eyes of a Pacific Islander
Role of entrepreneurship in climate action
Achieving gender equality, equity and empowerment
Gender equitable just transition and economic empowerment
Addressing climate and disaster risks in Sri Lanka’s Entrepreneurship
Dinner Dialogue on African Perspectives on the Global Goal on Adaptation
Partage d’expériences sur les pertes et les dommages dûs au changement climatique
Gendered climate impacts
Public participation in climate policy and action: avenues for enhancement
Climate action and inclusive policy processes
Stakeholders identify key actions for climate and disaster risk management in Sri Lanka
Economic growth and resilience in the face of multiple global crises
Climate change, risk finance, and innovative financial instruments
Interlinking gender, intersectionality and climate action
Intergenerational Solidarity & Youth Empowerment
Scaling up of Renewable Energy in Sri Lanka through Technology Transfer and Enabling Environment
Conserving Mangroves and Scaling up Climate & Economic Resilience in Sri Lanka
‘Adaptability is one of our key survival mechanisms’: Shabnam Farook
Climate Mitigation, Sustainable Development & Good Governance
Strengthening youth engagement in climate change and disaster risk management
Enhancing the global disaster risk finance architecture for greater financial resilience
Second Technical Dialogue on Accessing and Scaling Up Climate and Disaster Risk Finance for Sri Lanka
Heat Stress Management and Gender-Sensitive Heat Adaptation Plans in Sri Lanka - Data Collection in Colombo
Technical Dialogue on Accessing and Scaling Up Climate and Disaster Risk Finance for Sri Lanka
Climate-friendly fashion in Sri Lanka – perspectives from industry insiders
The IPCC AR6 WGII Report 2022 – Key Takeaways for Sri Lanka
Understanding Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change
Provincial Adaptation Plan for Northern Province Initiated
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Climate Change on the Ground: How Climate Risks Threaten Sri Lanka’s Farmers
SLYCAN Trust in Digital Space