The Republic of Niger is a landlocked Sahelian country with three quarters of its land area within the desert zone. The country's population is young (50% is under 25 years of age), largely rural (83.6%), and engaged in crop agriculture or animal husbandry for their livelihoods. Climate change in Niger is characterized by extreme weather events, increasing mean temperatures, increasing temperature extremes (very hot days and nights), and uncertainty regarding future rainfall patterns and variability.
This case study aims to better understand the challenges faced by migrants and displaced persons; their economic and non-economic losses and damages, adaptation measures, and resilience indicators; and their situation within a complex landscape of national, regional, and global policies, including in the Sahel region and under the global UNFCCC process.
This publication has been developed as part of SLYCAN Trust's work programme on loss and damage in collaboration with our representatives and partners in Niger.