In the global effort to address climate change, technology represents a source of innovation that can provide effective solutions to urgent challenges. Climate technology encompasses several key functions that each play a crucial role for mitigating emissions, enhancing resilience, and promoting sustainable development across different sectors, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, transportation, infrastructure ,and sustainable agriculture.
It explores technology under the UNFCCC process, including the different agenda items and the role of entities under the technology mechanism; national enabling environments and systems of innovation; mitigation and adaptation technologies, including linkages to NDCs, the Global Stocktake, and the Global Goal on Adaptation; linkages between climate technologies and climate finance; and the nexus of technology, finance, and sovereign debt. Climate technology is an important part of the means of implementation for addressing climate change and offers solutions to tackle its various challenges. The field encompasses a wide range of innovations, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, AI-powered analytics, and support systems for new businesses. By dedicating resources to research and development, strengthening national enabling environments, and harnessing emerging technologies, climate technology transfer can make an important contribution to global and national climate action.
As part of SLYCAN Trust’s series of thematic modules on climate change, sovereign debt, and the global financial system, this scoping paper provides an introduction into technology under the UNFCCC process, the role of national actors and systems of innovation, and the nexus of climate technology, finance, and debt.This knowledge product was drafted by Thibyan Ibrahim with support from SLYCAN Trust’s research & knowledge management division.