SLYCAN Trust Newsletter July 2024 - Ensuring Equitable Access to Climate Finance and Loss and Damage Funding

July 12, 2024

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Created On :
July 12, 2024

We are excited to bring you the latest edition of the SLYCAN Trust Newsletter, featuring highlights from our Workshop on Equitable Access to Climate Finance and Loss and Damage Funding co-hosted with the Scottish Government as well as our Thematic Dialogue on Public-Private Partnerships for Optimizing Sustainable Finance in Sri Lanka’s Agriculture Sector, which was co-organized with the Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka.

In addition, we proudly announce the release of a new research publication on "Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Loss and Damage," which was produced together with the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research and features contributions from a range of distinguished authors and researchers.

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