SLYCAN Trust Newsletter March 2024 - Climate Finance and Debt

May 20, 2024

Resource Type




Geographical Focus


Created On :
May 20, 2024

We are pleased to share with you the March edition of the SLYCAN Trust Newsletter. This new issue will highlight some of our work on the nexus of climate change, finance, and sovereign debt, including our recent workshop in London and our upcoming event in Scotland.

2024 is a critical year for finance under the UNFCCC process, including negotiations on a new collective quantified goal on climate finance and the operationalization of the Loss & Damage Fund - join us to dive deep into the complex interconnections and the key considerations around access to means of implementation and considerations around vulnerability, equity, and climate justice.

We hope you find our content helpful. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or thoughts!

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