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Climate Change
Academic Consultation on National Policy Processes: Strengthening Sri Lanka’s Climate and Agricultural Resilience
‘කන කෑමට මොන දේශගුණයක් ද ? දේශගුණික හා පරිසර හිතකාමී ආහාර පරිභෝජනයේ වැදගත්කම පිළිබඳ කතාබහක්
Communities on the move
Accessing finance for addressing climate-induced losses and damages
Role of entrepreneurship in climate action
Achieving gender equality, equity and empowerment
Transitional Committee on new funding arrangements for loss and damage holds its first meeting
The Urgent need for urgent climate action
Gender equitable just transition and economic empowerment
Climate change and non-economic loss and damage
Addressing climate and disaster risks in Sri Lanka’s Entrepreneurship
Dinner Dialogue on African Perspectives on the Global Goal on Adaptation
‘Fashion is one ofthe largest environmental polluters out there’: Ruwanthi Gajadeera
Partage d’expériences sur les pertes et les dommages dûs au changement climatique
Gendered climate impacts
Enhancing climate education
Public participation in climate policy and action: avenues for enhancement
Debt, Risk Management, and Climate Action
Could renewable energy cooperation benefit Sri Lanka’s energy sector?
Achieving Food Security: Policy & Action for Resilient Food Systems
‘It’s never going to be easy, but don’t give up’: Sara Nazoor
Climate Mitigation, Sustainable Development & Good Governance
Technical Dialogue on Accessing and Scaling Up Climate and Disaster Risk Finance for Sri Lanka
Youth and Climate Change: Making a difference
World Summit Climate and Territories
Update on the Paris Committee on Capacity Building
UN Calls for a Shift in Dietary Patterns towards Meat and Dairy-less Products
திட்டத்திலிருந்து செயற்பாடு; உலக சவால்களுக்கு முகம்கொடுத்தலில்
සමුද්ර තීරයේ දියුණුවට- ශ්රි ලංකාවේ කඩොලාන ප්රතිස්ථාපානය
Thriving Coastlines: Mangrove Restoration in Sri Lanka
The Value of Mangroves: Ecological Services of Mangroves in Sri Lanka
The Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Provincial Adaptation Plans and Sri Lanka's Third National Communication on Climate Change for the Southern Province
Surging Oceans: The Acceleration of Global Sea Level Rise
Shipping Goes Green: Countries Pledge to Halve Shipping Emissions by 2050
Reduction of Meat Consumption for Climate Change Mitigatigation
Pope Francis Invokes a Moral Framework for Climate Change Negotiations
Overdependence on fossil fuel: An urgent call for green initiatives
Nature in Court: Environmental Protection Through Legal Rights
Multi-actor Partnership on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Finance in the InsuResilience Global Partnership - Field visit to Trincomalee
Moving Towards Renewable and Sustainable Energy in Sri Lanka
Mitigation and Forests: Not Two Mutually Exclusive Words
Meatless Monday Sri Lanka in 2017
කාබන් උරා බොන කඩොලාන පද්ධති
කන්දකුලියෙන් කඩොලාන පැල 1500ක් මිහිකතට එක්වෙයි
Impacts of Salinisation on Agricultural Livelihoods
How Global Warming will Change the World: The IPCC's Special Report on 1.5 Degrees
ගෝලීය අභියෝගවලට විසදුම් සොයන දේශගුණ විපර්යාස තරුණ සැසිය
“Going vegan is the least and the best we can all do for ourselves, for others and for the planet! It is the future!” ~Sue Iruge.
Gender Action Plan Adopted at COP23
From Plans to Action: Addressing Global Challenges
Financing the Future: Green Climate Fund Developments
Facilitating the Implementation of Sri Lanka's National Adaptation Plan
Developing Guidelines for Coral Reef Restoration in Sri Lanka
காலநிலை மாற்ற தொடர்பாடலில் தேசிய தந்திரோபாயம் ஒன்றை உருவாக்குதல்
Developing a National Strategy on Climate Change Communication
ශ්රී ලංකාවේ කොරල් පර ප්රතිසංස්කරණය සදහා මාර්ගෝපදේශ සැකසෙයි.
දේශගුණ විපර්යාස සන්නිවේදනය ශක්තිමත් කිරීමේ රාජ්ය වැඩමුළුවක්
Colombo's Urban Wetlands: On Becoming and Staying a Ramsar Wetland City
Climate Literacy in Sri Lanka’s Development Pathway
දේශගුණික විපර්යාස ආරක්ෂාවට තර්ජනයක් - එක්සත් ජාතින්ගේ ආරක්ෂක කවුන්සලය
Building Resilience through Economic Diversification
Building Permanent Resilience: An Interview with Dr. Youssef Nassef
Blue-Green Protectors: Mangrove Restoration in Sri Lanka
Biodiversity and Climate Change in Sri Lanka: Where Does the Law Stand?
“Being meatless is important for personal as well as environmental benefits” - Chef Tora, Vegan Week 2017
Addressing Climate-Related Migration in Sri Lanka
Accessing Climate Finance and Gender Sensitive Climate Action
SLYCAN Trust in Digital Space