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Towards funding arrangements and a global fund for loss and damage
Loss and damage and transboundary adaptation in the context of climate change
Climate Change and Human Mobility in Africa: The African Union’s Approach
The Multifaceted Nature of Migration in Africa: Impacts, Policies, and Perspectives
Outcomes of the UN climate negotiations
Stakeholders identify key actions for climate and disaster risk management in Sri Lanka
Economic growth and resilience in the face of multiple global crises
Climate change, risk finance, and innovative financial instruments
In the era of climate change, who pays for loss and damage?
Paying for loss and damage: operationalizing a new climate fund and what it means for developing countries
The hidden side of climate-induced loss and damage: Understanding non-economic and cultural loss
Understanding the evidence: Climate change, human mobility, and the need for data
Planning for human mobility in the context of climate change
Labour migration in the context of climate change
Climate change, human migration, and the state of the science
Achieving Food Security: Policy & Action for Resilient Food Systems
Climate Science Points to an Increase in Climate-induced Displacement
Strengthening youth engagement in climate change and disaster risk management
Integrating climate and disaster risk transfer into national policies and climate commitments
National workshop on climate and disaster risk management in Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector
National dialogue on climate action, risk management and CDRFI
Enhancing the global disaster risk finance architecture for greater financial resilience
Second Technical Dialogue on Accessing and Scaling Up Climate and Disaster Risk Finance for Sri Lanka
Heat Stress Management and Gender-Sensitive Heat Adaptation Plans in Sri Lanka - Data Collection in Colombo
Climate-friendly fashion in Sri Lanka – perspectives from industry insiders
The IPCC AR6 WGII Report 2022 – Key Takeaways for Sri Lanka
Understanding Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change
திட்டத்திலிருந்து செயற்பாடு; உலக சவால்களுக்கு முகம்கொடுத்தலில்
සමුද්ර තීරයේ දියුණුවට- ශ්රි ලංකාවේ කඩොලාන ප්රතිස්ථාපානය
Thriving Coastlines: Mangrove Restoration in Sri Lanka
Surging Oceans: The Acceleration of Global Sea Level Rise
Sri Lanka's Third National Communication Related Services
Sri Lanka's Preparedness to Address Climate Hazards
Shipwrecks for Coastal Ecosystem Conservation
පරිසර අමාත්යංශය නිර්මාංශ වෙයි
Provincial Adaptation Plan for Northern Province Initiated
National Workshop on Policy Gaps and Needs Analysis for the Implementation of NDC on Adaptation and Loss and Damage in Nepal
NAP Expo 2018: For Better Adaptation Planning and Enhanced NAPs
කාබන් උරා බොන කඩොලාන පද්ධති
Key Outcomes of COP23: UN Climate Conference in Bonn
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation with the SDGs and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
ගෝලීය අභියෝගවලට විසදුම් සොයන දේශගුණ විපර්යාස තරුණ සැසිය
From Plans to Action: Addressing Global Challenges
Facilitating the Implementation of Sri Lanka's National Adaptation Plan
Economic Diversification through Crop Diversification and Organic Agriculture in Trincomalee District
දේශගුණික විපර්යාසයන්ට අනුහුරුවීමේ පළාත් මට්ටමේ සැලැස්මට අදාල උතුරු පළාත් ධාරිතා සංවර්ධන වැඩසටහන
Colombo's Urban Wetlands: On Becoming and Staying a Ramsar Wetland City
Climate Change on the Ground: How Climate Risks Threaten Sri Lanka’s Farmers
දේශගුණික විපර්යාස ආරක්ෂාවට තර්ජනයක් - එක්සත් ජාතින්ගේ ආරක්ෂක කවුන්සලය
Building Resilience through Economic Diversification
Building Permanent Resilience: An Interview with Dr. Youssef Nassef
Bluegreen Protectors Project: Mangroves Restoration in Rakhawa, Mannar and Jaffna
Addressing Climate-Related Migration in Sri Lanka
Workshop on Identifying Gaps and Needs Related to Addressing Climate-Induced Loss and Damage in Sri Lanka
SLYCAN Trust in Digital Space